ABM Social Selling Success Board
This interactive board was created in collaboration between
T-Systems and Momentum Data.

It highlights the main successes and insights from the highly effective ABM Social Selling programs run together globally since 2021 as part of T-Systems' demand generation strategy.
In 2021, Gerald Weskamm, Marketing Manager in Germany, kicked off the first ABM Social Selling campaigns.

He chose Social Selling with Momentum Data for its ability to achieve account-based targeting at scale.

After the initial campaigns, we then expanded across Germany, working with multiple T-Systems partners and spanning various industries.
2 years later, T-Systems has run Momentum Data's campaigns in the Finance, Comms, IT, and Transportation industries.

20 sales reps' profiles have been leveraged to grow the collective T-Systems network by 4,000 new, relevant and qualified connections.

This board is designed to help spread the word to other T-Systems Marketing and Sales teams!
A strong history of successful campaigns
-Hakan Polat, Account Manager Tribe Key Account
It was a huge time-saver and convenience having Marketing and Sales aligned from the start in these campaigns.
-Henning Bargmann, New Business Sales & Account Manager 
Momentum Data helped us strategise on what we wanted to achieve from the beginning and delivered the results!
Momentum Data's algorithm identified T-Systems' potential key target companies and contacts, and leveraged the sales reps' profiles to expand their LinkedIn networks and generate highly targeted and high-value sales opportunities.
So, how did these programs work?
T-Systems' highest-performing messaging
Optimize the LinkedIn profiles of T-Systems' sales team.
Define target audience & grow network on LinkedIn.
Send messages & follow-ups using A/B-tested best practices.
T-Systems' sales team takes over the pre-qualified conversations.
Liebe(r) Frau/ Herr {{LASTNAME}},

vielen Dank für die Annahme der Vernetzung.

Unsere Unternehmen arbeiten partnerschaftlich auf vielen Ebenen bereits zusammen. 

Gerne möchte ich dies um weitere spannende Themen erweitern und würde mich daher freuen, die T-Systems und mich bei Ihnen vorzustellen und zu erfahren, welche Themen Sie aktuell umtreibt. 

Wenn das auch in Ihrem Interesse ist, freue ich mich sehr über einen persönlichen Austausch mit Ihnen.

Freundliche Grüße,
Dear {{Mr|Ms}} {{LASTNAME}},

Nice that we are linked now...

In my new role as Industry Lead Manufacturing I am very interested in your ideas and wishes for digitization in the manufacturing industry, therefore I was asking to connect.

I am looking forward to your feedback and would appreciate a personal conversation!

Best regards,

Hallo {{Herr|Frau}} {{LASTNAME}}

Danke für das Vernetzen hier über LinkedIn.
Mit T-Systems als einen der führenden Technologie-Dienstleister und -Partner sind Sie vielleicht schon vertraut. Ich würde Ihnen und Ihrem Team unsere neuen Konzepte aber gerne einmal näher vorstellen.

Um das für Sie maximal interessant zu machen würde ich anbieten, ein paar konkrete Kundenprojekte von Krones, HOMAG, Multivac oder auch Daimler und BMW vorzustellen, die Ihnen beim Voranbringen der Digitalisierung in den Bereichen Engineering, Produktion, Qualitätssicherung oder Instandhaltung hilfreich sein könnten.

Wären Sie in den nächsten Tagen für einen kurzen, virtuellen Austausch verfügbar?

Schöne Grüsse,

Examples of strong LinkedIn profiles from your colleagues
Select the icons to explore their profiles
Marcus Rueger
Alexander Drohmann
Ariane Koschar
Wolfgang Weyand
Meet Luisa, T-Systems' Account Manager
Long-term commitment to T-Systems as dedicated Key Account Manager
Specialist in ABM and Social Selling
Grew up in Nuremberg, Germany before moving to Barcelona
Loves hiking, dancing, and going for runs with her massive husky dog, Link!

Who exactly is Momentum Data?
Founded in 2017 and based in London & Barcelona, Momentum Data is the leading ABM Social Selling program for Enterprise Marketing & Sales teams.
outreach to specific, high-value target accounts 
Non-stop assistance: dedicated Account Manager walks participants through the whole process
What makes Momentum Data's campaigns uniquely effective for T-Systems?
Compliant & Secure to address T-System's GDPR and data security requirements
Proprietary Tech:
AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) allows for ABM at scale
Momentum Data specializes in B2B Enterprise clients in the software, technology, and industrial sectors, working with some of the largest in the world.
Together we have noted various campaign highlights and learnings over the past years.
Social Selling worked well to revitalize conversations with T-Systems' existing clients and upsell them.
Launching new products in existing markets has also been a strong use case.
New sales team members were brought up to speed at a much quicker rate.

Interested in learning more? 
We're ready to help.
Schedule a 20-minute meeting.